Stand Up For Dallas

Vote Against Propositions S, T & U

Propositions S, T & U will hit the rewind button on progress.

The package would burden our city with higher taxes and force City Hall to defund parks, libraries, fire and EMS. The S, T & U amendments would invite frivolous lawsuits against the city, wasting millions in taxpayer funds. They would force your elected leaders to withhold pay from or fire the city’s top administrator based on an unscientific poll of 0.1% of Dallas residents.

An outside group of extremists paid to force Propositions S, T & U on your November ballot. Let’s unite to stop them from wasting your tax dollars and taking away your voice.

Why you should vote “against”

Stop Frivolous Lawsuits Against Dallas Leaders

These propositions encourage lawsuits against the city, costing millions in taxpayer funds that will drain resources for essential services.

Support Our Police, Not Mandated Quotas

Dallas police leaders do not support these propositions, which will strong-arm them to hire unqualified recruits and rush them through training.

Protect Parks, Streets, Libraries From Budget Cuts

These propositions will force city leaders to divert funding away from crucial services like fire, EMS, parks, streets, arts and libraries.

Top Dallas leaders are united against the S, T & U Propositions

They say the changes will undermine Dallas’ progress, governance and economy.

“We’d be robbing Peter to pay Paul with regards to training [police officers].”

Eddie Garcia

Dallas Chief of Police

(Said in response to questions at an August City Council meeting)

“Props S, T and U will create a legal logjam that will ground Dallas government operations to a halt. ”

Ambassador Ron Kirk

Former Dallas Mayor

“These amendments are a chocolate-covered piece of rat poison. They are designed to fool Dallas voters into backing policies that would destroy our local government.”

Mike Rawlings

Former Dallas Mayor

Mike Rawlings headshot

“We are all for more accountability and stronger public safety. But we need to do it the right way. Unfortunately, these propositions fall short.”

Tom Leppert

Former Dallas Mayor

Tom Leppert headshot

“Every living former Dallas Mayor opposes this plan because for the first time in 168 years it shifts the ability to govern from elected officials to private interests — implementing one group’s spending priorities for the city and weakening the city’s legal protections, resulting in chaos and drastic cuts in basic city services for everyone else.”

Laura Miller

Former Dallas Mayor

“This is a Trojan horse aimed at slashing funding for our parks and libraries, putting Dallas’ greatest assets at risk from outsiders seeking to sow chaos and distrust.”

Bobby Abtahi

Former Dallas Park Board President

“Charter proposals S, T and U do not represent good governance. They would hamstring the ability of our local leaders to adapt to changing conditions and priorities.”

Jennifer Staubach Gates

Former Dallas City Councilmember

“These amendments would hamper our Dallas police officers’ ability to protect the residents of Dallas.”

David O. Brown

Former Dallas Police Chief

“I am 100% pro-public safety, but these amendments will cripple our infrastructure, our parks, our recreation centers, our libraries, and hurt our dedicated employees.”

Tennell Atkins

Dallas Mayor Pro Tem

“S, T & U, if passed, would make city government less efficient and more expensive.”

Craig Holcomb

Former Dallas City Councilmember

“These initiatives would prove disastrous for our city by fomenting costly litigation, paralyzing city government, and, in effect, ceding governance to the courts! They’re fundamentally anti-democratic.”

Rob Walters

Immediate Past Chair

Dallas Citizens Council

“Propositions S, T & U would cost our city dearly — both financially and in effectiveness. The unintended consequences would be horrendous.”

Peter Brodsky

Owner & Developer, Shops at Red Bird

Board Chair, Housing Forward

“These dark money propositions undermine fundamental principles of local control and representative government. These proposals are pushed by wealthy outsiders who are trying to tell the people of Dallas that their voices should not matter.”

Rafael Anchía

Texas State Representative

“I want more police to protect our neighborhoods, but you do not want to just put somebody out there with a gun and say, ‘good luck.’ this is what Propositions S, T & U propose we do, something our own police chief does not support.”

Paula Blackmon

Dallas City Council Member, District 9

“Propositions S, T, and U would be terrible for our city.  They would gut essential services in our neighborhoods—fire, EMS, libraries, parks, and more—and leave our city vulnerable to frivolous lawsuits. This is bad legislation, crafted by wealthy outsiders with an agenda.  I urge Dallas residents to vote NO.”

Angela Hunt

Former Dallas City Councilmember

“It’s critical that we protect our taxpayers, our city services, and the quality of life for all Dallas citizens. Please vote NO on amendments S, T & U!”

Lynn McBee

Civic Leader

“Propositions S, T, and U create barriers that make doing business in Dallas more challenging. These requirements would constrain the City’s ability to allocate resources effectively and respond to evolving needs.”

Jamee Jolly

President & CEO

The Real Estate Council (TREC)

Answers To Your Questions

  • These proposed City charter amendments that will appear on the ballot in November are a blatant attempt by external interests to seize control of the city's government for personal or political gain, disregarding the needs and interests of the people. If passed, they will reverse recent progress and set back the city's effective governance and economic development.

    How? By:

    • Interfering with the city’s ability to manage its affairs efficiently and effectively.

    • Limiting essential services, increasing costs and creating a less desirable environment, thus harming Dallas residents' quality of life.

    • Bypassing the normal legislative process.

    • Damaging Dallas’ image as a business-friendly city, making it less attractive to companies and talent.

    • Increasing costs that, combined with bureaucratic hurdles, will discourage businesses from investing in Dallas and harm the local economy.

  • The last day to register to vote is Monday, October 7, 2024.

  • Election Day is Tuesday, November 5, 2024. Early voting will be held October 21 – November 1, 2024.

  • Find your nearest voting center here.

Stand Up For Dallas and Vote “Against”

We must stop Propositions S, T & U from wasting your tax dollars and undermining your vote.